As one of the participating schools of the "Kindergarten Education Scheme" of the Education Bureau (EDB), our School offers a quality whole-day early childhood education programme.
(Under the Kindergarten Education Scheme, our School will receive subsidy from the government. Any needy family may apply to the Student Finance Office for financial assistance under the "Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme")

Year of establishment:



Ms.Tse Shuk In


Ms. Lai Ka Yin, Patty


In the spirit and love of Jesus Christ, we cultivate the whole person's development of our children including their moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development.

Teaching focus

  • Character Formation: To nurture children to become positive and healthy children with good habits and positive values and attitudes.
  • Language development: Emphasis is placed on building a solid foundation in biliteracy (Chinese and English) and trilingualism (Cantonese, Putonghua and English).
  • To inspire children to develop their creativity, enthusiasm for learning and self-learning skills in a natural and fun environment


Service target

Children aged 2-6