
Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (“HKYWCA”, “we”, “us”, “our”) respects your privacy and all personal data are protected according to the applicable privacy and data protection laws.
This Privacy Policy states what information we collect, our practices of using and handling personal data, your rights to how your personal data is used, retained, and protected.
Subject to the requirement of applicable laws, your continued use of HKYWCA’s website and mobile app will constitute your deemed consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Definition of Personal Information
Personal data are any information about you as an identifiable individual, or other meanings as stipulated in applicable privacy and data protection laws.

Circumstances of collecting information
We collect information you provide to us when joining us as members, volunteers, subscribing our services, logging a complaint or requesting us to reply your queries/needs. This includes your name, age, gender, passport/official identification documents number, email address, phone number, home address and any other information you provide us.
We also collect information automatically when you visit/use our website or mobile app. This may include information about the device you used to connect the website/mobile app, your location, and, information collected by Cookies, and other tracking tools and analysis services used by Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel…etc. 

For protecting your safety, your image may be collected through CCTV as installed in our service centres, departments, offices and hotels. 
How the information is protected
HKYWCA is committed to protecting your personal data in a secure and confidential manner. Reasonable technical and procedural measures are in-place to prevent un-authorized access to your personal data. However, we cannot guarantee complete security. We shall not be liable for damages that may result from unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, and any other case that may compromise the security of user’s personal information.

Your personal information will be used for the purposes set out below –
Provision of services: to process, confirm, charge for services provided and to improve our service level
To meet legal and regulatory requirements: This may include preventing, detecting and investigating of crimes, requirements imposed by government regulators (e.g. tax authorities), our auditors, and any other obligations as required by the applicable laws from time to time.
To conduct market analysis, customer satisfaction, survey, and to recommend suitable services in the future.
Disclosure of personal information to third party

Some of your personal information may be shared or disclosed to –
Information technology and other advisors responsible for the construction of website/mobile app
Agents, contractors, service providers, and operators related to carry out the contractual obligation to you
Our auditors, and government regulators/officials, as required by applicable laws and /or to fulfil our obligations as a legal entity

Retention of personal data
Your personal information will be retained for the period of time as required and/or permitted by applicable laws. In case of legal proceeding or an investigation is involved, your personal information may be retained for extended period as necessary.
Your rights
As permitted by the applicable laws, you are entitled to access, amend, delete and limit the use of the personal data we held of you. You can also opt-out from using your personal data for direct marketing or promotion purpose.
In order to prevent unauthorized access of your personal information, we may need to request you to produce certain documents so as to allow us to identify you. You can also exercise these rights by contacting us by email at member.enquiry@ywca.org.hk . If your personal information is not disclosed to you, you will be provided the reason for non-disclosure.


Cookies are small data files that are created in a computer when a person visits a website. To better serve you and enhance your experience in using our website, we use cookies to remember your browsing activities. Certain cookies are strictly necessary and disabling them may affect the functionality of the website.
We also use cookies in an anonymous manner, in order to allow us to collect an overview of visitors’ behavior and visitors count. This helps to improve our website and provide better services.
We use third party cookies to enable you to share information of our website on social media (e.g. Facebook). These third parties may use cookies of their own and these cookies are not governed by this cookies policy.
By using our website, you agree to the use of these cookies. To learn more about cookies and the way to disable cookies, you can visit a third party website https://cookiesandyou.com/ for detail information.
Contact us

If you have queries or opinion regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us via –
Posting address: No.1, MacDonnell Road, Central, Hong Kong
Email: ppolicy@ywca.org.hk